LAH-SAH invitation As I began the magical work of contacting Álfar, I was amazed at how quickly they demonstrated examples of our collaboration directly in material reality on two specific issues (my body and my garden). It was very much a "wow effect" in both. Sure, I have a lot of rocks in my garden... I didn't understand why these amazing creatures are called dwarves or gnomes, after all, it only spoils the possible contact with them. Of course, I held a radical view, only "Álfar", because it corresponded to my amazement and gratitude. Today I keep my radicalism for my personal approach, and let others choose. So, let's do it. I would like to start by saying that if one expects strict classification and clarity from collections of fragments of Norse mythology, i.e. Eddas, one should start looking at other things than Norse magic (actually magic). Nor is it unambiguous from the point of view of folkloristics. We don't have the original Norse sources p...
This article aims to describe my relationship with my personal Fylgja and certain experiences I have had with it when activating it. I also assume that the reader has some experience with rune magic and knows what Fylgja is all about. It is also necessary to accept that we do not know the answers to all the questions that may come to mind concerning Fylgja. Moreover, the answers we find may not always apply in general. If I had to say in one word what Fylgja is, I would say a guide. A guide to what? The way we sacrifice ourselves for the Self. This statement comes across as odd, perhaps poseur-like, to someone who hasn't taken this journey. In that case, the reader must be content with the common claim in Norse folklore that the Fylgja is only seen before death. Some words from runic psychology If the reader is unsatisfied with a simple explanation, I will outline a little from runic psychology. Fylgja is usually connected to th...