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The Path to the Nord Star is open (Daniel)

My path to Nordic magic was not so romantic in the beginning. It is romantic yet. I am describing my way to this wonderful path in this article. 


At first, these were attempts to perceive the gods I understood as intelligent entities, not as phenomena of nature or some clusters of energies. My period of trying to find something has lasted a few years. I have gone into nature and performed libations for the gods. I have to say that from the beginning I gravitated towards the god Týr, without a logical explanation for it, only my feelings. Pretty soon after that, I made my wooden rune pendants. But since I was not adept at magic, they had no magical charge. They just didn't work. So far I have only obtained information from the Internet.

After a while, I got some information about runes from one person trying to be popular, especially among the pagan community. Unfortunately, the information provided about the runes was often out of step with their standard meaning. A person with academic knowledge is not a good source for using runes in magic without believing in the existence of gods and without imagining that there could be an intelligent separate entity behind the curtain. Not for a person with my approach. Here, I realized that runes are not just academic matters. I wanted more and also suspected that the runes were deeper and runes are more than just some symbols of various meanings that somehow just worked.

Before long, I met the right person for me with an approach so close to mine and knowledge and experiences of runes and magic as such. Runes are magic. I began to actively work with runes and energy centers. For several weeks, I carefully aimed each rune, visualized it, and made runic stadha. When I studied all 24 runes, I learned to create a runic circle around me and keep this circle. It was not easy but this is an absolute staple for magic with runes. 

From then, I already knew that Týr and I had established our relationship and there was communication. I wanted him to help me with the work side of my life.

Týr helped me with my work, and I carved a statue for him out of wood. It was practically a barter because that's how it works. Týr kept his agreement, and so did I. I worked on the statue for a month and a half, which is published on my Daniel Gaut profile.

I could write about one of the important things that runes gave me. The communication with Nordic entities, either consciously or through dreams.

The use of runes also triggered a transformation process. I was often exposed to new challenges and stressful and unusual situations. There were sudden and rapid changes that must be endured. All these situations happened just to get me where I needed to go. 

It is up to everyone if they want to undergo this transformation process. Thanks to the support of a person close to me, my Fylgja, and also thanks to the practice of magic, I began to have perceptions, most often through dreams.

I saw my homeland, I saw monumental mountains thundering above and waterfalls flowing down them in my dreams.

I saw a tall watchtower above the cave passage, I saw the black lakes and the rocks and the rivers.

I have often seen night landscapes illuminated by moonlight.

I also saw shapes, colors, mosaics, furniture as well as technical devices, and black weapons.

"The Path to the North Star Is Open". In this way sounded like a message from my dreamworld father revealing to me the sight of a big shining star in a technical environment.

To start the transformation process and the process of awareness, you have to know your potential and work with it. With the potential, I mean in what qualities you are good at what you need to develop, and what to watch out for.

After that, you have to work on it.

Everything else will come, and various obstacles may appear in your dreams so you can process them early. In the same way, your current state of progress will also be shown to you in your dreams (and in reality).


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