The Bornless ritual is the basic building block for magical work if we want to come into contact with our Holy Guardian Angel (HGA), invoke it, and in general get in touch with this manifestation of ourselves in some way. Of course, there are other methods and ways of working, but in this article, I am only concerned with this ritual. I believe ritualization is essential if we are not concerned only with random appearances. It is also a practice where it is the contact with the HGA, whether external or internal, that we purposely aim for under our Will (serious intent). In magic, we also find approaches in which HGA becomes uninteresting or only a marginal issue. People practicing this way have other priorities, which is also perfectly fine. In this article, I draw on approaches where, on the contrary, any work with HGA is a priority. It can take different forms, have different intensities, and also manifest in different ways within the manifestation, and it is not at all relevan...
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