Have you read Susanna Clarke's novels or short stories, where seductive magicians with titles like Pratchett's university magicians may know the theory perfectly, but in the practice life they are often caught off guard and fail to notice the obvious? We can realistically meet people like this within magic too. My aim with my posts is to get people to make magic a practical matter for them. Of course, to the extent that it will let them go on their own. To work magically is to see reality differently, and according to the ability to see it this way, the ability to shape it grows at the same time. The old esoteric truth says that this vision must remain hidden from the outside world, and I add, especially when it comes to fellow magicians. There is no greater skeptic than the one who performs magic. Many colleagues have a clear set of how magic is supposed to work. What magic doesn't do and what magic definitely can't solve. Their conception of magic is often altruistic...
about magic, runes, tarot, astrology