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Magic of Khem as the inspiration for vampyrism


Vampyrism is often associated with different directions, and one of them is Khemetism, or the Hellenic version of ancient Egyptian magic. It is not only because there is an Order of the Vampyre in the Temple of Set, but this is what adepts naturally lean towards in vampyrism. When I talk about vampyrism, I don't mean various covens, families, and similar versions of esoteric ways. I am writing about adepts of magic who are dedicated to this branch. I do not intend to describe vampyrism or how some adept of vampyrism perceives vampyrism but only deal with its connection to the Khem tradition.

It is not true that everyone who practices Khem magic also practices vampyrism. And it is also not true that vampyrism can only be practiced through Khem, heka, etc. In addition to the above-mentioned order founded by Lilith Aquino, I have met the Aesetians in magic, which is a Portuguese matter. They also have a developed system of magic based on Khem magic and are particularly focused on Aeseth. There may be other magical orders, but find what Lilith Aquino looks like and you will understand that she has set a really high standard. Here, her method of magic works incredibly well, and something similar can also be said about the Aesetians. However, I studied their system from a heka's point of view and it is amazing.

So, why Khem and vampyrism? The most named (of several versions) the Egyptian Book of the Death what could be called with great exaggeration the "grimoire" pages of Khem magic, indicates that it will be a matter dealing with eternal life, behavior in the sacred space after death and establishing a relationship with several neteru.

The other thing is that vampyrism simply requires perfection (again referring to Lilith Aquino's photos) and where else to look for that but at neteru? The Hellenic system contains beings often slipping into human error, sure, they are that much closer to humans. But does vampyrism have anything more to do with humanity than is absolutely necessary?

Simply put, Hor is not and never will be Achilles and Eseth will always do everything perfectly. Whether it is finding out the magical name of Ra, conceiving Horus with a physically dead husband, or resourcefully dealing with the fact that his genitals were destroyed and not found. What about Set? Do you think he's a villain who was defeated by a child? No way. It was a long-lasting fight between two neteru, and if the rest had not been involved by the other neteru, there might not have been a winner or a loser. So yes, he killed his brother who was getting on his nerves, or to reunite him with his sacred Ah and free him from the misery of material existence. He is no dumb Cain. We will have to come to terms with the fact that Chaos is necessary, needed, and without it, the transformation will not take place. Set is neither the Christian devil nor the Germanic Loki. Along with Ra and the other neteru, Set helps defeat Apop every night.

Amemait, the eater of souls, those demonic beings were there. Where do you think the foundation for Goetia originated? But these beings were part of the order and many served it. When needed. Again, at certain moments they opened the door for a bit of chaos, otherwise, the world would be just a boring paradise in the imagination of some religious fanatics.

Sahmet or Hathor, which of them killed the rebellious people in the desert until she created a river from their blood to drink from? Both of course... it just depends on which version of the same story you are watching. She got drunk on the beer, which resembled the color of a river of human blood. Because she would exterminate people like that.

Mummies, living statues of neteru... eternal life, Sopdet (Sótis, Sirius) - khemenetic people saw to be not one, but two. How? The perception was completely different than it is today. The pyramids were a creation of genius lasting through the ages. Imhotep, the one who invented the first pyramid (among other things, also a doctor, lawyer, and official, but originally a carpenter), precisely because of his focus, also plays a very important role in vampyrism.

The ancient Khemetic dragon cult, about which we do not know much, is as if innovated in the Ordo Dracul of the Father of Vlad Tepes III. Here we have a combination of dragons going against the Ottomans and a vampire. Streams of blood do not settle for Sachmet. Do you mean reptiles by dragons? But where there were no overgrown reptiles in the Ordo Dracul, neither were there in the old Khemetic Order. Could be Alf, the humanoid being, a brother of an overgrown reptile? I think not.  

Why does vampyrism really need Khem? I mean the direction of magic. Magic needs to be tied to a certain cultural context. A tradition on which to lay the foundations and move on. It is one of the laws of the Universe that everything needs its own story. Khem and his art of controlling magic thus provide a very good basis for vampirism. 

The structure of the personality and its manifestations in various spheres represent the key knowledge for understanding why the adept deals with vampyrism and also how to develop this type of magic so that it has real results on the matter. It is the understanding of the relationships between neteru that represents a functional model for working with energy. Adepts of vampyrism, who are addressed by khemetic magic, through and through it come to things that can be considered vampyric skills even according to junk literature or gothic romantic ideas.

Will the heka or anything from Khem tell us if there really can be a creature with vampyric qualities? If the reader is looking for such a thing as a scientist, he will be sorely disappointed. We do not find references to any such being here, and you can not automatically equate a mummy with a vampire. The mummy is not really a vampire. True vampyrism is not about the LARP (live-action roleplay), even if such a "vamp" would be a client of blood banks. If one seriously deals with such a question, whether he takes it from the point of view of the Khem tradition or another, he will understand that the answer cannot be found from the position of human psychology, human perception, and certainly not from the position of human experience.

Can an interest in vampirism lead a person to seriously practice heka? It can, because the gradual practice of heka is precisely a matter of human experience and perception much closer.


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