Fantasy stories and LARP could be good for practicing the imagination and help bring out enough creative spirit for later magical practice. But there is a danger that consists of unreal ideas and trapping yourself in a fantasy/LARP world and fantasies about your own abilities, whether good or bad. There is only one way to get off these fantasies, self-knowledge, and awareness of our fallibility, our „unheroic“ sides, but also the positive ones on which we can build. If we want to get somewhere in the magic, we must look in the mirror and admit: This is me. It is not easy, but necessary. Only then can we begin to work with ourselves. To get rid of something, to change something, to strengthen something, and to start a magical practice as a psychologically balanced being that knows its strengths and weaknesses and is willing to work on them. Saying to yourself, so what, I'm just a lazy "beast" does not help.
You want and do something for it, or not. So simple. The man in LARP is waving a magic wand that shoots sparks may look cool but if it is just for effect it is useless. It is necessary to choose. Do you want to do LARP, where you can have whatever imaginary abilities you choose, where gods are poor guys who need help from mortals? Or do you want to begin with finding your real abilities?
Maybe, it does not sound so cool like throwing fireballs (without physical damage) but for some of us, self-knowledge, self-confidence, and the ability to change our daily reality are enough to our satisfaction. For example.
When I was in my LARP phase I met a man who felt like an animal being in his soul. He told me about some experiences in magic, even that he was able to get near to his own beast. The more I delved into myself, learned, and changed, the more I saw that the man did not know much, and all my attempts to suggest how he could work on himself ended with words: I want to whoever I can not because...(lot of excuses)“, „I´m not ready...“, „You do not know all circumstances…“
In one way, it was interesting to find out that this man is afraid of his atman because he created some terrifying ideas about him. Therefore he is in the closed circle for a few years. At the time when I cooperated with him, I did not know myself at the same. First of all, I was scared, and secondly, I had a surmise, that it takes work and a painful process of digging inside.
We can do nothing for someone who does not want to. It was important to me to realize that it was not for his welfare, I wanted to help him because of myself. To feel that I can do for someone the same thing that my friend did for me and that this man could be the being I saw in him before. But he does not want to, and I can not force him to do it. I decided to stop it and invest my time in improving myself. That makes more sense than helping someone who does not care.
The process of self-discovery brings ideas about the Self that do not correspond with reality. At least it happens to me. If you live long in the world of fantasy and LARP, these unrealistic ideas and expectations are a danger you need to be prepared for. But that is okay as long as we realize it was just imagination and the reality is different. And although we do not know it all, it is too important to persevere and keep looking. Without prejudice and fear. Day after day.
„One word led me to another
One work led me to another.“
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