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Khemetic Heka and Nordic magic with vampyric attitude (Archein)


If I started practicing magic many years ago, I have no idea what type of magic it would be. Indeed, I was interested in Ancient Egypt, vampirical horror stories, Lovecraft, and the Thoth tarot deck. Before me lay a long path full of ambushes, difficulties,  and emotionally tense situations. We all are personalities with various dispositions and various handicaps, and for personal growth, we have to get to know ourselves with both these sides and balance them. In this article, I write about my main branches of magic.   

I am the type of mage who needs immediate contact with entities. If I am writing about the mage I mean the psychical state. This way of work interested and absorbed me, but doing this work for practical life is considerable two things:
The first is the learning to perceive every eternal being without fantasies. This type of learning has demands on time and consistency. 
The second is the cultural context. I am still convinced that a cultural context plays a decisive role in giving our magical aims to reality.  

Because of my amateur interest in Egyptology, my magical work with Neteru was a natural interest in something I knew. I practiced with various approaches from Maatmagick to Khem. And the best position for me proved the Khemetic Heka. I discovered Heka in my veins and in my blood. The relationships to Neteru manifested themselves in various areas of my life. My closest Neteru are Maat and Eseth. 
The magic of Khem is the best ground for practicing not only with Being described in Goetia but also with the Old Ones or vampyrism. The Enochian word system is similar to Medu-Neter and its pronunciation.     

Even though my magical experiences changed my everyday life in a good way. I perceived that my path still needed to be completed. The Secret of the Runes by Guido von List introduced me to the world of Runes, and it led to Nordic magic with 24 Runes of Elder futhark. I submit runes changed my everyday reality. This was a process after The Nine Doors of Midgard by Edred Thorsson. Magic with runes is able to change our body and these changes are visible. If we see how. The system self to Self presents a functional way to magical transformation. 
I am working with two different systems, and I am not the right type for syncretic magic. It is not an impediment for me to work with various systems without syncretisation. Both systems work independently, and both work reliably. A direct connection between the two would create nonsense from the point of view of the cultural context. A connection with the approach used in vampyrism proved to be appropriate. This was a good idea for synthesizing the energies of both systems in my body. 





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