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The magic of blood

 First of all, I want to say that blood is not necessary for magic, not even necessary. Blood in magic is a superstructure. Simply something extra if you hold the view that at certain times and in certain rituals it is more than appropriate. It is absolutely not appropriate to force yourself into this practice for any reason. Magic will survive without blood because there are many other ways and directions in which you can self-realize in magic. I'll point out things that can be used to replace blood as well. There it will be more about the symbolism of blood. 

We associate blood with life and the colour red is its symbol. Often this colour alone is enough because there is a connection with the symbolism of blood. It is the colour of the runes, the various seals that we animate. Often red wine is used symbolically instead of blood (the more ferrous the better).  For practical effects, it must be remembered that the blood itself does not stay red for long, but its colour changes to brown. Blood used for anything long-term will later resemble chocolate rather than being a reminder of a heroic sacrifice. It would be more practical to consume it in a ritual.  

Why do we use blood anyway? The answer is simple. Blood is the substrate through which the immaterial and the material can be linked. It also adds gravitas to the magical act being performed.

Blood contains both a physical and a metaphysical component; if we decide to use blood in a magical act, we use both components. It is the physical component that is essential to our senses and consciousness. By using it, the metaphysical component of blood is activated and links the act performed with the subtle material parts of the Universe. The binding is somewhat more pronounced compared to magic without blood and more quickly performed. However, under the conditions listed below.  

Personally, I believe that for this bond to be effective, it must be blood that is given voluntarily. It will not be an animal sacrifice, nor will it be blood obtained from a person who has provided it, for example, in a blood transfusion station. As much as forcibly obtained blood can create an impressive impression on our human senses, it is not what is essential for blood magic.

Any sacrifice should be made in a manner of the Universe's or the entity's choosing. If it requires an animal sacrifice, usually such an animal will simply disappear. Also, using the blood of someone who knew nothing of the intent, or was tricked, produces a rather quick and short-lived effect. In sum, in the end, such an act does nothing. The experience itself, of whatever nature, is not magic, but esoteric tourism. 

We need to remember that we are working with delicate substances. It is not necessary to overwhelm the magical act with large amounts of blood for effective magic. Less is often more. You may have experienced a situation where you have thought about and perhaps even created a seal to solve a particular problem. And in the process, you may have been incredibly clumsy to the point that some blood came out. This is where you need to be quick to apply the blood to the seal you have made or are in the process of forming.

Working with subtle substances is often reminiscent of working with a homeopath. It is necessary to choose delicately what exactly to use the blood for. And also the distribution of quantities. The romantic notion of demons descending on your drained blood and gorging themselves belongs to the realm of dark fantasy. It's not about satisfying someone's hunger, after all, without the blood the creatures would survive in peace, but about creating a bond.

If you go into blood magic with the idea that you have to feed your blood to something that would otherwise not survive, you are most likely living in delusion. There is nothing in the universe that cannot survive without any part of your body. Rather, you just need to boost your self-esteem in a not-so-unique way. I'll say it again, it is a bond... on both the subtle and gross material levels.

Animal sacrifices

There are people convinced that we can't do without them. Until I see with my own eyes a satisfied billionaire, who got his fortune through this practice, with the body of a demigod, I will not change my belief that it is a superfluous act aimed at boosting ego and giving oneself a sense of importance by feeling like a master over life and death or some other rather psychopathic trait. As they say, it is good to give from someone else. If someone has managed to establish any relationship with a being through this practice, even the results of their cooperation tend to be of a rather pofidery primitive nature.  

I am aware of a certain controversy on the part of my view, but it is a view that I am willing to change only under the above conditions, regardless of whose pomposity I am touching on this time.

From a ritual welfare perspective, it is far more efficient to use the blood or the best bit of an animal that has been killed in a respectable manner within the limits of what is available just for economic use. 

Whether one likes it or not, an animal is a living being, by housing it or sacrificing it just so, the priest or whatever the perpetrator calls himself is most likely committing animal cruelty. 

Menstrual blood

A naturally derived substance very suitable for ritual purposes. Moreover, the substance is extremely strong. Those who have read Grant carefully will not escape the fact that practicing magic properly without a woman is a bit of a problem. I don't think any woman needs to be told how to do it. It's intuitive automaticity. 


With blood magic, somehow this question cannot be avoided. There are individuals with the soul of a vamp who more or less manage to encompass the various attributes and practicalities that this entails. There are also magical orders focused on this direction. It is Don Webb, in his recently published book Energy Magick of the Vampyre, who describes the path typical of members of the Temple of Seth. It is a path that excludes drinking human blood as well as performing psychic vampirism. 

Interesting findings in this regard are also from the perspective of the vampiric orders, who, on the contrary, allow drinking blood, but have quite a lot of reservations, recommendations, and reasons why not to go for it, and if so, how to set this up ethically. They have a similar attitude towards parasitizing another form of human life energy.

Drinking blood alone does not make one a vampire. And not everyone where this direction is pursued is what you know from mythology as Dracula. Blood is not a reason to pursue this direction in magic. 


Own blood

Magic is based primarily on individual interests. If we have our own magical intent and feel the need to support it with blood magic, this alternative is offered as the most acceptable from both an ethical and magical perspective. The blood in this case will manifest our will in both the physical and metaphysical planes. It is a pure manifestation of union with the True Will.  

Dragon's Blood

Yes, I mean exactly that exotic plant of that name, which can be very interesting to experiment with. It cannot be said that it is the same thing as blood magic, but let us say that it is similar. Again, it will mostly depend on how you handle it.  


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